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American Majority

American Majority Report

Tucker interviews Ned Ryan of American Majority

China’s Shocking Treatment of Minorities Exposed

The Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang to factories across the country. Under conditions that strongly suggest forced labor, Uyghurs are working in factories that are in the supply chains of at least 82 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing and automotive sectors, including Apple, BMW, Gap, Huawei, Nike, Samsung, Sony and Volkswagen.

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Well the 13th amendment banned slavery in America,  thank God but some big corporations like NIKE have found a way to get around it.  Just use Chinese slaves.  This footage from Western China shows Uyghurs that’s, an ethic minority group, blindfolded tied up and forced to board Trains.

We’re happy to have him on tonight Ned thanks so much for coming on so I just want to be sure we’re not overstating the case here.   But it is it established do you believe that slave labor political prisoners ethnic minorities in China.  Their labor benefits American companies.   Some according to reports may wind up staffing sweat shops.   Nike profits immensely from this they sell enough 100 shoes to pay their CEO 14 million dollars a year. Kind of a scandal not covered much in the American media Ned Ryan has paid close attention to it though he’s CEO of American Majority. Oh there’s a study out of Australia from this spring that actually Forbes covered that showed that these woke corporations like Nike,  Google,  Amazon, Microsoft and I posted this at the top of my Twitter feed if you want to read all 83 Corporations that are involved in Slave Labor in China.  They are Benefiting off of it.  Then to add to the irony,  they’re taking that money and funding some of the funds 2.7 billion to the Black Lives Matter Global Network.  So the social justice networks decry racism in American and say America was founded on slavery. Actually getting funding from Corporations that originated with slavery and we know why the corporations are doing this.  We know why they’re paying off billions in indulgences and racialized political payoffs because they don’t want to talk about what they are doing right now.  What they say they deplore.  Right and the Amazing part is they are literally abusing the weakest of the weak and they’re doing it in Asia.  We all know shy because they don’t want to have to pay Real wages to American workers.  So I will say this, they can posture all they want to at home but a lot of these corporations are the equivalent of modern day slavers.  And I will also say these companies making goods and products off of slave labor is not Capitalism and it’s certainly Un-American.  Its totally immoral and yet our time is occupied with these pointless debates over historical figures who died 150 years ago. At the same time, I mean let me ask you,  where are the labor union on this.  You used to see these big public relations campaigns against so-called sweatshops and they were driven by American Labor Unions pointed out correctly that these sweatshops are undercutting American Workers.  I haven’t heard any Labor Unions say anything about this.  This is a shame. You can see you can definitely see a lot of the blue-collar union workers are actually Pro-Trump whereas the bosses are definitely not Pro-Trump. For more videos visit their America Majority YouTube Channel: