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Laptop from Hell by Miranda Devine 

Book released on November 30, 2021

Interview of Miranda Devine on AMAC. Association of Mature American Citizens.

Rebecca welcomes back Miranda Devine, NY Post columnist and one of our favorite investigative journalists. Miranda gives you the birds-eye view of her reporting on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop and the hurdle she and the NY Post (the fourth largest circulated news source in the country) faced just weeks before one of the most significant elections in our history. In this episode, we discuss the frightening power of big-tech and big names, further underscoring the urgency of getting the truth about the laptop out to the American public. Miranda also weighs in on Biden’s influence peddling scheme that has actually been going on right under our noses for decades.

Rebecca Weber:

You’re listening to the better for America podcast presented by AMAC.  The Association of Mature American citizens. 

Hello everyone, I’m Rebecca Weber and this is your AMAC podcast.  Better for America today.  We’re privileged to have with us once again one of the nations leading journalists an author who is persistent in digging out the truth and getting it to the American people.  But before we make that formal introduction let me also pause to thank our sponsor for this show.

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Let me formally introduce our guest today she is Nork Post columnist, and a frequent Fox News Contributor has an extraordinary record working across International Media and yet she is native New Yorker born in Queens who had a remarkable chance to grow up in places like Tokyo and Sydney.  She has written on everything from Big Tech and Censorship to Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop, a central topic in a book which will be available to you on November 30th. The book is called “Laptop From Hell” which is both compelling and frightening in context of who our President is and how little accountability we are seeing rom the laptop to Big Tech.  Please welcome us today Miranda Devine.  What a pleasure to have you with us here again today.

Miranda Devine:  Thanks so much Rebecca great to be with you again and to be with you and the wonderful audience.

Rebecca Weber:  Oh Thank you.  AMAC members love Miranda and I do want to dive right into your most recent Trump of research writing and in many ways a give to the American people your hard-hitting book on the Biden’s family’s unfortunate dirty secrets as well as how Big Tech seems to be aiding and abetting much of what is afoot and So I’d ask for you to give us a top view over overview of your latest book Laptop from Hell and what it means for not only AMAC Members but for America help us see sort of the magnitude of the untold story and what is really happening behind the curtain so to speak. 

Miranda Devine:  Look I think probably if we’ve looking at you know the bird’s eye view the lasting impression that I have and that shocked me at the time that we at the New York Post began reporting stories from the Laptop, which reflected very poorly on Joe Biden.  Was the fact that Big Tech immediately closed us down and you know that for News Organization these days, Twitter and Facebook particularly are very important to disseminate your copy because so many people you know 60 % of Americans, use or people around the World us Social Media to access their information.  So they come to our website at the New York Post via one of these other alternatives and to throttle us as Facebook did immediately and saying in lieu of face checking was very dishonest because they still haven’t produced any evidence of that they even began a fact check.  I know I’ve asked the people who I’ve interviewed who were recipients of email on Hunter Biden’s laptop. People who had worked with I’m were intimate with him, if they’ve ever had a call from Facebook to fact check any of the materials that we put online, that we wrote about.  No, so Facebook pretend it was doing a fact check but really it was shutting down our story on behalf of the Democratic party and its candidate Joe Biden.  Similarly with Twitter, locked the New York Post account I mean this is the oldest continually published Newspaper in America.  It’s I think the fourth largest newspaper in American. It’s a serious media organ and Twitter just took it on itself to lock our account until a couple of days before the election two weeks were locked down and you know that’s has a financial burden as well. As just throttling our story ensuring that it didn’t reach the people that it should have the audience that it should have then the second part of this story is that media colluded with Social Media as soon as Big Tech decided that our story was hacked or un somehow got hacked or somehow beyond the pale , that was good enough for the New York Times, Washington Post and the great and the good of the media firmament and then a couple of days later they had even better fig leaf to ignore and reduce our story and that was these 50 intelligence or former intelligence operatives led by John Brennan the former disgraced CIA Chief James Clapper. Also, people like Leon Panetta and Michael Hayden you know they should be ashamed of themselves because they wrote a letter claiming that the laptop was Russian disinformation based on their best expert opinion using the great authority of their former officers. They declared without looking at the laptop without asking anybody who had the laptop if they could have a look at it and judge honestly for themselves if what they were saying was true, they just came right out of the blocks and just airily pronounced that it was Russian disinformation and that was enough for the rest of the media to therefore say that this story has been debunked. It is not true it is malicious Russian disinformation and everybody who peddles it by extension is a traitor you know and that means that Tony Bobolinsky, who is you know a former Naval Man.  A former, uh you know from a family that’s given military service for generations on both sides, who is a patriot like you could never see in his apolitical he somehow gets smeared in this too because he was confirming so much of our reporting. Because he was under Biden’s former business partner and he know as well as anyone did what the Biden’s were up to and he knew the Joe Biden was in the Business up to his neck and this is the problem we have now. 

The American people were never allowed to do the proper due diligence on one of the candidates for office and that is Joe Biden because he has been running this influence peddling scheme all his career from Delaware and then when he because President Obamas Vice President he exported the same very corrupt business model around the World and really compromised America and Americas National Security with some of our greatest foes. Being particularly China and Russia just unbelievable and this is the kind of information that Americans really did not know. 

Rebecca Weber:

I’m imagining all of this is going to be revealed in your book and shared with the American people.  I’m very excited to see that the book will be out on November 30th.

We will be sure to put that up on our website to make sure that our members are aware because that the kind of information quite frankly that people would perhaps have made a different choice if they had known about Joe Biden. Had they known some more of the truth, and you know we’re seeing this Big Tech censorship everywhere we look. I mean for goodness sakes we see you know we’ve got someone talking about Facebook, a whistleblower saying they’re not doing the right thing, they’re not now.  I haven’t heard all of that and I’ll get to listen to more of that later.

Does this really surprise you Miranda to hear this is happening and unfolding to see what’s happening against these social platforms like Facebook? 

Miranda Devine:   Look you made such a good point, and it was on the tip of my tongue.  Why should we be surprised I mean we are surprised, I mean because we’ve been like frogs in boiling water, I think with social media the way it’s spread its tentacles into every aspect of our information world the way we access information now is controlled by these enormous trillion-dollar companies which are globally based and have no allegiance to any one country and certainly not to the United States.  That’s quite terrifying and you know it’s a glimpse of a future of artificial intelligence as well.  I’m really very hopeful that it seems like there’s a bipartisan feeling at least among you know they might have differing motivation on the democrat and the Republican side, but they are unanimous in realizing that these companies whether it be Facebook and Twitter or Google which manipulate search results.

So that you know that I know as a journalist I’m acutely aware of the fact that I will remember a story that you know I want to refer to through say a column I’m writing and I search for it and maybe it was a week old and it’s not there,  I can’t see it in a first’s couple of pages of Google search.  It’s probably there somewhere and so I now know that I go to the alternative search engine, I use one called DuckDuckgo, I do to um that and that its not as good for some things you know but for searching that kind of information you, the stories that might have been buried and you can’t find on Google pop up immediately on that other Search Engine.  So is all terrifying thought because if you can’t trust sort of the reflected reality of the news that’s put to you we know how can you trust anything. It makes people more prone to being vulnerable, I guess to the conspiracy theories and charlatans. Because if you can’t trust posing as truth tellers, it’s quite scary you know who do you trust and who do you trust that has the right information? Who do you trust? Who hasn’t themselves been hoodwinked?

Rebecca Weber:  

This is the reason by Dan formed AMAC truthfully, he saw this coming in 2006.  He started to see a real shift and he noticed that there was really so much reporting, the reporting was really slanted so far left and that going back 15 years.  This doesn’t happen overnight.  It’s been happening little by little and by little.  We’ve got to pay attention because today if you’re recognizing for those you know listeners, people who are tuning in, if they recognize that you know recognize the same things it’s happening, it happening we need to recognize it. So that we can attack it and do something about it. You know it’s just we’re living in a time of really no accountability. People have little or no respect for truth and it seems that we almost have a rogue one-party sort of government.  So, you know people think like you and me and millions of other Americans do respect history and respect our constitution. You know as an incisive commentator; I want to ask you another question sort of moving along.  Did you say that you find it hard to get the truth out? Did you find that people are also trying to cancel you and then another question, I wanted to ask is do you think are some of the very big issues that are really coming at us or coming around the corner in the months ahead?

Miranda Devine:   I think the big issue that you are alluding to at the beginning is this idea of truth and the lack of accountability and you know it used to be that if you told a lie, I mean this was part of the American Psyche, if you told a lie that was a terrible dishonor, but now lying is reflexive and it’s built in you.  Know for instance we say that they’re pregnant people, I mean this is part of now the App style book, that you know boys can be girls and girls can be boys. I mean that’s a biological lie and it’s so farcical on its face.

You had Joe Biden the other day tell us that his 3.5 trillion-dollar bill, so-called you know social infrastructure package which is basically a whole lot of democrat boondoggles costs zero dollars, and in no universe does 3.5 trillion equals zero dollars. That’s dishonest and that’s a lie and it doesn’t matter you know they have all sorts of sophisticated ways of pretending that, its not a lie and there are a lot of lies that are coming out of the White House.

When Donald Trump was in the White House that was an attach made on him.  You know ironically enough by people who basically lie for a living.  But you know the Washington Post for instance had you know, I don’t know 60,000 Pinocchio’s they awarded Donald Trump.  But a lot of those were Donald Trump sort of manner speaking that anyone understands.  Who understands anyone from Queens particularly a Property Developer everything’s bigger and better its sort of self-aggrandizing exaggeration? Which is not a lie really, its not a consequential lie you know if you just say your crowd size is bigger than other people say it is that ‘s exaggerating and its part of his larger than life personality.  But of course every single thing he said was taken literally willfully literally and turned into something malicious and malevolent and the converse.

With Joe Biden who really is known for being untruthful of telling tall tales which are only fit to kind of make him better than he is and put him as the hero in the center of some imaginary story.  You know everything from the Corn Pop Saga that he told us endlessly.  You know the fact that he was supposedly at the center of civil rights marches you know with Martin Luther King or you know story of South Africa with Mandela and even the other day he claimed that he been to a Jewish Synagogue the Tree of Life Synagogue where that terrible massacre had happened and he never had and so I think in his mind because this happens to people who spend a lifetime as fantasists really.  They lose the ability to discern between truth and fiction and so he told terrible lies which I think people woke up to you know even people who had voted for him and though still that he was a moderate who was going to unify the Country.  Unite the Country , they realized during the Afghanistan debacle that he was lying that he told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News 13 days before the August 31.  You know the hard deadline for evacuating from Kabul Airport, he said “Oh, No, we’ll we won’t leave anybody behind won’t leave any American behind.”  Well of course that was never going to happen and it didn’t happen.  You know he never took responsibility, the Pentagon again you know lying about the Drone Strike that killed 13 people, including seven children, the lies in this administration about everything.

I mean the border, you look at the lies about the border.  That the border is closed, its not closed, its secure, No, it nots secure.  We know that I mean there are going to be you know upwards of two and half million people illegal immigrants arriving in this country and they get just dispersed across the country into unsuspecting communities up to twenty percent of them at least are carrying Covid and other contagious diseases we are not allowed to know about those diseases.  They’re not forced to take the vaccinations like everybody else in the country.  Its appalling and then to make matter even worse, the President told a lie about those poor border agents on horseback who were doing their job.  They’d been allowed for once to go and try to block that hole in the border there and the Rio Grande at Del Rio and because it became an off matter of you know bad optics for the Administration that you had 15,000 or 18,000 Haitians camped out in unsanitary conditions with not enough food and water and porta potties under that bridge.  So they the water agents were then allowed to do their jobs for once they went to do their job for once they went and did their job competently using horsed on that rocky terrain and some photographers takes a photo that is just portrays the wrong impression that they were using whips on these Haitians migrants which they were not it was you know long reigns. I’m sure all your listeners know this and that lie I mean was sitting in Washington DC in the White House Press briefing when Alexander Majorcas and Jen Saki perpetrated that lie.  When reporters in that room asked questions on the premise that the lie was true and that what was the Administration going to do about punishing these men on horseback it was outrageous and it still is outrageous.  They’re subjected to an investigation.  The President said basically “Make Them Pay.” Outrageously judging them before they’ve been even had the investigation.  So, I think the biggest problem we have at the moment is to try and restore integrity and truth back to the public, whether it be politicians or the media or public servants.

Rebecca Weber:  

Wow, that was so insightful really from so many perspectives and you’re right, lie after lie after lie and another one that gets me is going around saying that this is a a pandemic of the unvaccinated really trying to vilify those who maybe for medical reasons of course have decided not at this time to get vaccinated, perhaps they have natural immunity and you know another lie is I think people are just not trusting our President and certainly the entire administration seems to be following suit and often think who the heck is running this country boy and then yes its interesting.

Last week in Washington DC with Australia Prime Minister’s visit, you know Nuclear Submarine deal and also the Quad Deal which are very important for the whole world to push back on China and their aggression in the Indo-Pacific.  But during that period, I spoke to various member of various delegations from different countries and from the UK from Australia and so on and they said that Joe Biden in the meeting that they were in with him which were long meetings over now that he was lucid and coherent and he was in charge of the agenda now that is a very different story from the story I’ve been told by some of the same people about his behavior at the G7 Meeting where he was seen to be confused and out of it, was another quote and almost delirious and I think that you know we’ve talked about Joe Biden having cognitive issues, yes and that evident I mean you don’t really need to be a doctor to see it in the way he relies so heavily on teleprompters.  He had do so since I saw him in the primaries and I were in New Hampshire and he’d be in a tiny room with a regular stump speech that any other politician could recite in their sleep and he had to use a teleprompter dragged in so you could see that he’s not all there. but then other times he is cognitively sound.  So I don’t know if the people who are around him can control when that happens when he switched on and when he’s switched off. 

You know he obviously takes a lot of time to rest up after big events going home to Delaware a lot, I mean its significant I think more so than other politicians he’ll take long weekends and call an early lunch lid on a Friday come bac late on Monday.  So, he certainly needs to rest up after these situations.  I don’t think we can take the responsibility away from Joe Biden and blame some of the shadowy puppeteers behind the scenes.  They of course are also to blame for these decisions that are made that are so wrong for the country.  But he ultimately bears the blame and I think cognitive sound enough to bear the consequences. 

Miranda, given the research that you did for the book and what you have learned in reporting on the Biden Administration I want to ask you a tough question or one that is likely to generate an answer that may be tough to hear.  Do you think that the Biden Administrations dishonesty, you know across his entire administration pose a threat to the integrity of our National Institutions?  Like do you think the rule of law is at risk, whether by you know non-action against those committing crimes intentionally?  Where they allow Big Tech to censor, maybe even an attempt to pack the Supreme Court do you think that we’re in a unique time, one that presents risks to the future that we have never historically seen?

Miranda Devine:   I do, I think though that the rot started a long time ago and hence the election of Donald Trump. In the first place, Donald Trump you know broke a lot of people and doing so he exposed the sort of slow takeover by the left, you can call it the left elites.  This sort of unholy alliance between the sort of billionaire’s class and the hardcore socialists.  He exposed a lot of that you now know the so-called deep state whatever you call it.

Joe Biden’s victory in the election is was specifically designed no matter what, to put an end to the changes that Donald Trump changed. Changes to try and rescue the country and the world in a way. So you know they claw back power and its very messy because we now see a lot of people have been red pilled and we see what going on behind the scenes and were not like frogs in the boiling water just gradually drifting into socialism.  Enough people are aware of what’s happening to fight back, but every institution as you say, I mean the great lie, I think of Joe Biden’s Presidency which began in his inauguration speech. Was that he was on one hand going to unify the country as he promised to do during his campaign.  That he was a moderate and at the same time he was going to battle the dark forces of white supremacy and domestic terrorism.  Which he by that means Trump Voters he mean 81 million Americans and he has declared war on them and he has sickened the Military Leadership onto rooting out so call domestic terrorists which is basically Trump Supporters. Basically, make American Great people patriots, American patriots and its not that Republican regard democrats as intrinsically evil but we have to understand that democrats regard Republican as intrinsically evil at least ones who supports Donald Trump.  Which is most of them and so you see.

The way the DOJ has been weaponized against innocent people, you’ve had people who were involved n the riot on January 6th and did no violence, maybe just wandered through an open door maybe didn’t even go into the Capital and they have been arrested and their lives destroyed thrown in jail without trial.  There’s a man called Thomas Caldwell a veteran an injured veteran, an elderly man I think he’s in his 60’s late 60’s or early 70’s he was locked up for 49 days he didn’t even go into the capital, and he did nothing wrong. They accused him of all sorts of nefarious things of leading an insurrection, he did nothing of the sort. He’s now about to lose his family farm to pay for legal fees he’s till embroiled in this terrible fight with the government.

It’s really very terrifying and I think just to end this sort of dystopian view of the future is to say that I’m told now that the column I am working on for the future. That the current stories about people on the Federal Reserve you know committing insider trading offences allegedly.  I’m told that’s really a ruse to get rid of the more conservative members and get rid of Jay Pal for instance.  Whatever you think of him the Chair and then instead stack Federal Reserve with progressives who will then allow or use the financial markets and the financial levers at their disposal to push progressive social agenda, you know these social changes they want and also climate changes that they want so you have given up on democracy because I think they know what at the midterms the democrats are going completely trounced and that a lot of republican states have now remedied those illiberal changes that were made under over of COVID last year, you know March, April and May. By clever democrat lawyers without any pushback from Republicans, big mistake.  I think now they realize that there going to lose the next 2022-2024 elections and they know that Donald Trump did such a good job with the Supreme Court that, it’s a difficult thing to get control. So, they will try to get control of the financial leaders and once you have that you have everything.

Rebecca Weber:  

Wow, well as you did in May you really are making us all think in ways that mainstream media never does.  I think many of the left hope American never do right they don’t want us to think along these lines.  But the risks and the realities the facts you present in your latest book and the stakes that you outline in as much of your commentary are the sort of thing that I think if our founding fathers were alive, they would be absolutely shocked to see we seem to be drifting into a very fast current.  We’re drifting sway from the facts we’re drifting away from reality and truth, integrity, and government.

I know that we’ve covered a lot of that already, but I just wanted to take a moment if you would help AMAC Members and others get a sense of how persuasive your book “Laptop From Hell.”  We want them to read it we think that they ought to read it because they ought to know who our President is and you’ve done such extensive research.  Because average American like myself need to know, reality is hard for me to get my mind around, its hard for me to imagine that we could have a corrupt President.  It’s dispiriting, its discouraging, but we can’t ignore it, we can’t get complacent, and we can’t let it be someone else’s problem.  So, what would you say about how important your latest revelations are in the book and then what can average Americans like me and our AMAC Members do to stop this kind of total disrespect for truth, law and accountability and we do a lot here at AMAC, but we’re always looking for new ideas in new ways. 

Miranda Devine:   Well, thank for introducing that in that way.  I think its important to understand really the extent of Joe Biden’s influence peddling operation.  I mean we all have a picture of it certainly did when I did this forensic deep dive into the laptop, but I was so shocked by the things I found that I would periodically just push away from my desk and walk outside and just shake my head and think did I actually, am I right, am I reading this right, I would then check with people who are not named in the book but who were great assistants in who were you know recipients of emails or involved in documents and so on. People who reassured me and told me more, that yes this is real, that is Hunter Biden and his Uncle Jim Biden, who’s Joes Brother, were involved in these geopolitical gigantic forces, beyond their kin, I mean they were bumbling around amount the oligarchs of Russia the inner sanctum of Vladimir Putin and President Xi and that was something that they were doing on behalf of Joe Biden, who was the Vice President for much of the period of the Laptop and the who, leveraged his power, that was deputized to him by President Obama and President Obama made Joe Biden the Representative of the United States in China, in Russia, in Ukraine, in Romania all these countries and where we were running around the world preaching about corruption and holding America up as the model for the World and I think everyone believed that exception that these people know that Joe Biden was on the take and that his family were making millions of dollars on behalf of him so you know the book has all the receipts, we know the general picture of what was happening, but the detail of how embedded especially in the energy field and how close to his Hunter and Jim’s involvement in one of the biggest energy deals in the world between Russia and China and it was only foiled at the very last minute by the intervention of Trump by the election of Donald Trump and then his singled-minded focus via his attorney General then Jeff Session is cracking down on a lot of this sort of Chinese, you know money and influence swamping the country and corrupting Americans but you know that part of its is very interesting you know for and the way that the intervention of American law enforcement in the Southern District of New York in arresting various of Hunter and Jim’s Business partners in New York, then led to this domino effect in China, where various business partners were swooped up and arrested and disappeared I mean its uncanny how many of Hunter Biden’s business partners wound up in jail or otherwise met a sticky end.

Rebecca Weber:  

Unbelievable, just unbelievable well we’re recommending that our members and all those listening, get your hands on the book, “Laptop from Hell.”

It is available November 30, 2021.

People understand who our President is, there’s a lot coming ahead of us and there’s a re-election in the future so we need to know, be armed with knowledge.

Thank you Miranda Devine, thank you so much for your insights, they’re invaluable, your experience is really one of a kind and your book will be a great reading.  Thank you so much for spending time with us today.

Laptop From Hell