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Jared Kushner Speaks out 

Jared Kushner Speaks Out 

Martha –  Joining me now is Jared Kushner former Senior Adviser to President Trump and the Author of “Breaking History.”  A look at the successes of the Trump’s White House through his eyes, from the inside and his perspective behind the Peace Deals, Justice Reform, Operation Warp Speed.  Congratulations on the Book. Great to be with you.

Jared – .  Thank You.

Martha –  I want your reaction to the latest on the Affidavit.  One of the glaring thinks we cover this story all the time.  The question is, you know what is it? We heard oh, it might be nuclear,  documents.  That story died.  Nobody picked it up.  Nobody confirmed that’s what it was. Do you know what it is that they’re so concerned about in these documents?

Jared – First of all, I have learned through my time in politics that half measures don’t work.  So what the Judge does is release all the information, that’s in the publics interest. That way people can know if there’s a serious allegation or more manufactured.    I talked about the Russia investigation in my book.  A lot of this arbitrated through the leaks to the Press.  We had a situation I write about during the transition,  I met with incoming National Security Advisor General Flynn with the Russian ambassador to get their perspective eon what was happening with ICE, SYRIA, The Iran Nuclear Deal and the Problems there.   What happens is there’s a leak from the Intel Community to the “Washington Post” saying we requested a secure back channel with the Russians.  CNN Runs with it and becomes craziness for a couple of days with Treason.  So right now you have to be very careful believing what you read, through leaks to the press. That Transparency with something, this is serious where they raid the home of the Leading Political opponent is a very serious thing.

 Martha –  Very Serious.  Americans on both sides have real questions about what they did.  There a section in the book that you talk about the Zelensky Transcript.  You argued let’s get it out there.  Just put it out there.  So are you arguing right now to your former boss and father-in-law, put it out, what these documents are. Put out what they’re about in, these Presidential Documents.  Tell everybody what is in there.

Jared – I don’t know whether he knows what is in the boxes or not.  These were boxes in storage.  Donald Trump keeps a ton of stuff.  There’s boxes all over the place.  Who knows if there’s things that  he did intentionally.  I read that the GSA packed the Boxes.  I think President Trump was probably one of the most transparent Presidents we had in a longtime.  Always set for interviews, you know what he thought at 12.00 am, when he would Tweet.   So he’s often on the side of transparency.

Martha –  Have you asked him if he knows what’s in there or if he went through them or if he  kept something back when the lawyers said they had taken out everything that was classified?

Jared –  I haven’t asked him that, I haven’t been with him since then.  He doesn’t seem concerned about it.

Martha- The flip side is that his polls, he’s rising in the polls. His support in the Republican Party is rising.  Was this raid Politically advantageous if he becomes a future candidate?  

Jared –  It was not a good thing.  It was not good for our country.  The FBI and the DOJ must do their job to try to earn back the public trust.  We had a very tough period where they spied on the campaign.  I wrote about that in my book, and the different special counsels and the investigations.  politicized the Justice Department in a way.  I have a long history with people going after my family.  That’s why I was on the side for Criminal Justice Reform.  I partnered with people on the left to pass and I write in the book about how we got a Bipartisan Agreement down on Criminal Justice Reform. A divided team by working through Congress.  I think that what we need now is more transparency from the Justice Department and they should be trying to wick to get people to have faith in what they’re doing.

Martha – Since you bring it up, you write movingly about your father’s experience and that he was arrested and ultimately went to Jail for two years.  Is that a concern in your family that you have married into right now.  About father-in-law? 

Jared – First of all, I have been watching them try to get him for six years.  He had no legal problems. He was respected as a great businessman before he announced he was running for President.  Once he started and started getting traction, they accused us of colluding with Russia.  They said that Trump would have problems because of that.  Turns out myself, I did 16 hours with the House, Congress, special counsel.  Turned out that we did exactly what we said.  He ran an amazing campaign and connected with the voters. and then the impeachment on Ukraine.  That ended up becoming politically advantageous.  What I’ve seen time and time again, he drives his enemies so crazy that they make mistakes and over pursue him.  They’ve been trying to get him in every which way.  It’s nothing new.  This is like try six or seven that they’ve had.  I detail a lot of the first tries in the book.  Again it’s the same people doing the same thing in the same ways, leaking the same things and later get disproven to the same sources.  It’s something that I think is more concerning for Democracy than anything else.

Martha:  You talk about the book and the decision to write the book.  It really goes through a lot of the major things that I mentioned in the intro that you worked on in the campaign.  Is this book a sign that you and the family are of of coming back, that you’re ready for another run at the Presidency? Both you and your wife Ivanka, have been quiet the past couple years. Is this like okay, we’re back on the scene and ready to go?

Jared-  Don’t read anything to it. other than the fact that the experience I had in the White House was very unique.  Again, I think that Donald Trump was an outsider President. He was a Business Man.  He wasn’t a career politician.  I was in the Business World in the Private Sector.  We both chose to give that up.  I followed him into it.  Then the book shows what it’s like to be an outsider in Washington and if you’re results driven you can get things done.  When I left Government, I didn’t do a lot of communicating.  I wasn’t talking to the Press.  I just achieved the Six Peace Deal in the Middle East.  Everybody doubled when I was put on the file for three years.  I got endless criticism from the media experts saying I wouldn’t achieve anything.  Then we got the peace deal done.  Which was the biggest deal in 40 years which changed the trajectory of the world.  we got the second one and the third one.  People were encouraging me.  You don’t want this to be lost to history.  I learned so much by trying to put myself in the shoes of people before me that dealt with complications. 

I put this book out for whoever wants to know what it’s like to be living in the Trump Administration.  One is the onslaught of the investigations with Russia the media attacks. The other current which is less covered is how President got so many things done. Results do matter, facts do matter.  when President Trump was in office, no wars, we got along with Russia.

I write about his interactions with President Putin and XI, we had trade deals, the economy was booming, the wealth GAP was shrinking, inflation was low, gas prices were low.  These were not accidents. Governance Matters. Policy matters and President Trump executed all of these things in a great way.  I wanted people to know how that got done in a hostile environment.

Martha –  The one think on that list that President Biden has spoken positively about the Abraham Accords.  He hopes to build on them. So when you – so much has changed in the world since you left off.  There’s a war now in Europe. The exit from Afghanistan.   When you look around, you had an opportunity to meet President XI.  You went to North Korea.  What concerns you the most? What do you want to sort of put the hair on fire moment on and bring people’s attention to about what’s going on right now in the world? Jared Kushner Speaks Out on FBI Trump Raid.

Jared – I think President Trump broke the mold and brought people in to Washington that never would have gotten into Washington.  Brought common sense. His success was not a rebuke of the Democrat’s. It’s the Democrat’s and the Republicans.  It’s a rebuke of the career political class.  What happened under President Biden, he been there 50 years. He brought back a lot of the experts that got into problems.  That allowed China to take advantage of us, allowed the Middle East to turn into the mess that it was.  What they’ve done, they’re running back to Iran to make teh same deal.  They showed weakness with the way they exited with Afghanistan, which is the most incompetent things I’ve watched. If President Trump was in office, there was no way that was going to happen.  They feared him.  The same thing with Russia, if you noticed, thy took Crimea in 2014 under President Obama.

Under President Trump, we had no problems with Russia.  I detail discussions in the book about President Trump and Hand King Salman to get the OPEC Plus Oil.  Deal Done in the midst of Corvid that saved 11 million jobs in our Energy Industry.  Which President Trump had us Energy Independent.  They rolled that back by these asinine policy things.  You need Strength, You need strengthen Foreign Policy and purposefulness and understanding America’s role in the world.  We should not be lecturing everyone.  Figure out how to prevent wars and make trade deals that help America Pros Special.

Jared Kushner Speaks Out