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Tucker Carlson: This is an atrocity

Tucker Carlson: This is an atrocity

One of the environmental catastrophes of our time is unfolding tonight off the coast of Denmark.  The Nord Stream Pipelines.  Russian own conduits to transfer Gas has been breached.  They’re pouring millions of cubic meters of gas into the Baltic Sea.  There’s a toxic bubble field more than half a mile wide.  you can only guess how many marine animals are being killed, right now,  countless…  But the lasting damage may be to the atmosphere.  It’s 90 % Methane.  Methane, as Biden has told us, is the key driver of Global Warming,  which is an existential threat to humanity and the Planet.  So if you’re worried about climate change, what just happened to the pipelines is its close of the apocalypse as you can imagine. 

It wasn’t an accident.  The same ten leaks were detected, there were two undersea explosions, each of which was equivalent to hundreds of pounds of TNT. Nothing on Nature can account for that.  Leaks were in three separate places.  Only one explanation.  This was an act of industrial terrorism.  That was obvious to the Prime Minister of Poland and he wasted no time saying so.  Today we are also dealing with an act of Sabotage.  We do not know the details of what happened yet.  But we can clearly see that is an act of sabotage.  An act that probably marks the next state in the escalation of the situation we are dealing with in Ukraine.  

Tucker: We can clearly see,  he said it’s an act of sabotage.  We can see that.  Who did it?  Prime suspect is obvious, he stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton, that would be Vladimir Putin.  Gooden is the Nord Stream Pipeline.  He has decided to use pollution as an act of war, it has been said.  Twitter endorse that position, Putin did it.  That makes sense!  Pollutant can be evil, but is he stupid?  He probably isn’t stupid. and yet if you’re Vladimir Putin, you’d have to be a suicidal mode on to blow up your own energy pipeline.  That’s one thing you never do.  Natural gas pipeline is the main source of your power and wealth and leverage.  Europe needs your energy no more than ever with winter approaching.  If you can’t deliver that energy, then countries like Germany have no need to pay attention to what you want.  You’re in the middle of a war and all hands on deck work.  Seen it all the leverage you can get.

There is no chance he would blow up the Nord Stream one or the two, not now, obviously.  Effective so obvious, our February Dim Secretary of State Tony Blinken acknowledged it.  He said it is clearly and no ones’ interest, Right?  But only half right. Blowing up North Stream doesn’t help Putin. He would not do that.  Why would he?  But that doesn’t mean other countries would consider doing it.  They had, they have considered it.  When I said so in Public.  Biden suggested on camera that he might take out these pipelines if Russia invades.  That means tanks or troops across the border of Ukraine again.  Then there will be no longer be an Nord Stream two.

We have to ask did the Biden Administration do this?

Tucker Carlson: This is an atrocity