Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets
Riding the Dragon – The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets Film is directed by M.A. Taylor and narrated by bestselling author Peter Schweizer, is shining sunlight on the close ties between Joe Biden’s family and the Chinese elite. Peter Schweizer, head of the Florida-based Government Accountability Institute and narrator of the film said the documentary is based on corporate records, financial documents, legal briefings and court papers.
The film features investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer and Schweizer’s revelations of Chinese influence over the Biden family found in the 2018 book “Secret Empires” and the more recent “Profiles in Corruption” (both #1 New York Times bestsellers).
This is a must watch video so you can truly understand what is the relationship of China and the Biden Family. If you like to read transcripts while watching the video, we have provided here.
Peter Schweizer Narrates:
The challenge of the Chinese Communist Party and the threat that it poses to the United States and our allies is a critical importance to us right now. I think in the long term in terms of American Security, policy China is going to be much more powerful country than Russia. There’s no country that presents a broader more comprehensive threat to America’s innovation to our economic security and to our democratic ideas than China does.
I believe we’ve got to live in reality Communist China it wants to control the entire world, including Americas. Lets be clear the Chinese Communist Party is a Marxist limitless organization the party General Secretary XI Jinping see himself as Joseph Stalin’s successor. China’s a longer term threat and we need to, you need to be very clear-eyed about what they are and what they are not our partner here, they’re never going to be our partner under the existing leadership team under President XI’s rule.
The Chinese Communist Party is heading even faster and further in the wrong direction, more internal repression more predatory economic practices, more heavy handedness and most concerning for me a more aggressive military posture for China success in a zero-sum game.
China is going to eat our lunch come on man. I mean you know they’re not bad folks folks, but guess what they’re not. They are not competition for us on the surface. That a really puzzling thing to say Joe Biden, saying China id not really a threat. China is Americas chief rival on the global stage and no body should know that better than Joe Biden.
I mean during the Obama Biden Administration actually recalibrated foreign policy to contain China it was called the pivot. China has never loomed larger in our lives. Think about the economy trade espionage now Covid 19. China has said openly that they want to supplant us as the Worlds’ Superpower, but Joe Biden talks about China differently. “China is not our enemy not a problem, what are we worried about?” Come on man, he doesn’t see them as a threat and I believe then what I believed now that a rising China is a positive development he welcomes.
The rise as a global power, why exactly perhaps it’s personal, perhaps its about his family, perhaps it about the money.
So on December 2013 Vice President Joe Biden is arriving in Beijing for a series of sensitive meeting with Chinese Officials. The Chinese give him the Red Carpet Treatment literally, but also along for the trip is Joe Biden’s son Hunter. While during the visit Joe Biden meets with Chinese Vice Premier Lee and with President XI, a 2013 trip to China getting new attention this morning, not for what Joe Biden did but for who he brought with him and what was Hunter Biden doing. We’re not sure he doesn’t appear in many pictures of the official festivities.
But what we do know is that 10 days after Father and Son return to the United States, Hunter Biden’s small investment firm announced a 1 Billion private equity deal with the Chinese Government. And where did the Capital come from for the deal, from the Chinese Government it’s self.
Unknown to the Press back then Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese Private Equity Fund, planning to raise money including from Chinese Investors. Years later Hunter Biden acknowledged that during the trip he met with a Chinese Banker which his spokesperson describes as a social visit not a business one. I believe then and I’m even more convinced now that a rising China is an incredibly positive development for not only China, but the United States and the rest of the World.
Hunter’s small firm got a deal that no one else had in China, Not Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sacks, Deutsche Bank or UBS. And are you venerable on the issue at all? Because your son’s business dealings in China. No, I don’t believe so at all my son’s business dealings were not anything with everybody, that he talking about not even remotely number one.
What interesting is Hunter Biden had no real background in China in finance or private equity in fact. Hunter had what might be called a spotty resume. A couple of youthful jobs owing directly to his father’s influence. He was once made a Director of Amtrak based on the fact that he’d ridden on trains. He’d been addicted to crack cocaine, had an unsettled domestic life and a brief attempt at a Naval Career, ended with a discharge over Drug Use, so why did the Chinese pick him.
In the Spring of 2017, Patrick Ho a Chinese businessman was arrested by the FBI on bribery charges. He worked for a Chinese Energy Company with close ties to the Chinese Military. While in FBI custody, Patrick Ho made two phone calls, one of those strangely is to James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother. Why did this man call the brother of the Vice President. He was looking for Hunter, this is remarkable and largely hidden story of the secret financial relationship between the Biden Family and the Chinese Government.
It’s a relationship that grew while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States and shortly after he was appointed the Point Person on U.S. Policy towards China. Our investigation is based on corporate records, financial documents, legal briefing and court papers. Its a story of the second most powerful man in the World at the time and how his family was striking deals with America’s chief rival on the global stage the People’s Republic of China. And its story that has been largely never told. “A rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China, but for the United States and the World.”
January 2009 – Joe Biden is inaugurated Vice President of the United States. It was a remarkable moment for Biden who had spent more than 35 years in the United States Senate. Born to a family of modest means in Scranton Pennsylvania, he would become known as lunch bucket Joe. He joined the political world early and won election to the United States Senate at the ripe age of 29 he was sworn into office just six weeks after reaching the constitutionally required age of 30.
From its earliest days of Biden’s political career was not just about Joe, but about the larger Biden Family politics was a family business. When Joe did well, the family did well. Joes Sister Valerie Biden became a political consultant who was hired by Joes many campaigns. Brothers Frank and James became involved in securing government contracts with deals overseas with Foreign Governments. Joe’s son Hunter became a Washington Lobbyist representing clients from Delaware in the State that his father represented in the U.S. Senate.
When Joe Biden was elevated to Vice Presidency the family’s ambitions grew accordingly. Now the world was a business opportunity and the Biden Family was looking for deals including with Foreign Governments.
Just months after Joe Biden was inaugurated Vice President his son Hunter Biden formed a company called Rosemont Seneca partners. His partners had useful connections. One was Christopher Hines, the Stepson of Senator John Kerry a powerful U.S. Senator who would later become Secretary of State. The other partner was Devin Archer a friend of Heinz. Rosemont is the name of the Heinz Family’s 90 acre estate outside of Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania. Rosemont Seneca the new investment Firm opened an office in Georgetown just two miles from the White House.
Outside of Fox Chapel Pennsylvania one of Hunters Biden’s big scores was a controversial deal he landed in the troubled Nation of Ukraine in 2014. The Ukrainian Government fell and Joe Biden became Americas point man for the troubled country. Weeks later Hunter Biden was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian Energy Company called Burisma. Which paid Hunter at a rate of 1 million dollars a year this despite the fact that he had no experience in energy or in Ukraine.
In a tv interview Hunter was asked: ” If your name wasn’t Biden do you think you would have been asked to be on the Board of Burisma?” He replied: “I don’t know, I don’t know, probably not. ” Hunter landed on the Burisma Board as did his partner Devin Archer. Hunters ventures in Ukraine would later pose troubling questions of conflict of interest for his father Joe.
Rosemont was landing deals around the World but the big prize was China with its booming economy and staggering growth its also an economy where relationships are key especially with the Chinese Government.
Hunter Biden began meeting with Chinese Government officials at the highest levels of power. He had no background in China, little background in finance. Hunters previous job had been as a lobbyist for an online gambling company located in Europe, but doors were opening to Hunter in China.
Often Hunter’s meetings coincide almost directly with his father’s high level diplomacy with Chinese leaders. In April 2010 for example, Vice President Joe Biden met with Chinese President at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, but at virtually the same time halfway around the World Hunter Biden was in China meeting with Government officials looking for financial deals. Who exactly was Hunter Biden meeting with only some of the most powerful finance officials in China. Hunter spent two days meeting with the top executives from China’s sovereign wealth fund, social security fund and largest banks. Hunter even posed with them for a series of pictures.
So how did Hunter get these meetings. One Chinese websites account of the meeting touted the Chinese Officials extended their warm welcome to Hunter Biden, quote second son of the now Vice President Joe Biden. In other words, Hunter got these meetings because of who his father was, Vice President of the United States.
Vice President Joe Biden with one eye towards a possible 2016 bid is getting the chance to flex his international muscle power in Asia. That brings us back to 2013 when Joe Biden arrived in Beijing with a full agenda among the highly sensitive issue to press with his hosts. Chinese cyber attacks, the theft of American intellectual property, trade issues National security, and China’s claims over the South China Sea. Hunter Biden was also on board, he joined his father the next morning for a meeting with the U.S. China Business Council and then Joe Biden was off to a meeting with Vice President Lee. Just where Hunter Biden spent the rest of his time on the trip remains largely a mystery.
But we do know this, Hunter later admitted that he introduced his father to a Chinese Official on this trip who was involved with Hunters Budding business ventures. and we know that ten days after this trip. Hunters’ one billion dollar deal with the Chinese Government was finalized. Hunter and his Chinese partners established a Private Investment Fund, they would call BOHAI HARVEST. The Chinese Government provided the money. Hunter was given a seat on the BOHAI HARVEST BOARD of Directors and a 10 % Equity stake in the new company. Devin Archer his business partner was appointed Vice Chairman of the new firm and enjoyed an unusual and special status in China operating through the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. No other investment fund in the World had a deal like Biden’s Firm, Not UBS, Not Goldman Sachs, Not Morgan Stanley, no one.
In short the son of the Vice President of the United States with little investment experience, no experience in China got a deal in the Peoples Republic of China, that no one else had and he got that deal shortly after his father was appointed point person on U.S. Policy towards China.
But this isn’t just another story about a politicians kid getting rich. Hunters new firm BOHAI HARVEST began making investment deals around the World that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese Government and that’s what makes the deal so troubling. That’s a bold thing to say, but its true. This new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interest of the Chinese Military.
In 2015 Hunter Biden’s BOHAI HARVEST joined forces with the Chinese Military contractor AVIC to buy American parts manufacturer Henniges Technology. Henniges Technology is considered dual use meaning it can be used for commercial and military purposes and deals like these required approval of the highest levels of the Federal Government. Hunter Biden’s partner in the Henniges deal the Chinese Aviation giant AVIC was notorious for its history of stealing US Military Technologies to build their own fighter jets and drones, but in September 2015 AVIC bough 51 percent of Henniges and Hunter Biden’s BOHAI HARVEST bought 49 percent of Henniges. And yes the Obama Administration did indeed approve it. Hunters firm BOHAI HARVEST also invested in military surveillance technology that the Chinese Government would use to monitor and control the population in their own country. The company was called Face Plus, there are a number of American Investors that also stand to profit. From this mass surveillance that are also invested in Face Plus, one of whom is Hunter Biden the Son of former Vice President Joe Biden.
BOHAI HARVEST also helped China in its competition with the United States over so-called rare earth minerals, a Chinese Government run firm called China Molybdenum produces rare earth minerals around the World competing with Western Firms for mining access and the company does not hide the fact that it work has direct military applications. The company’s 2015 annual report or example declares that Molybdenum is used to produce sensitive military technologies. What’s fascinating is that while Hunter Biden and his firm were helping Beijing in the race to acquire rare earth minerals, his fathers administration was actually fighting them in the 2012. President Obama announced that the United States was filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization because China was trying to control the Global Market.
In 2014 the World Trade Organization agreed that China was trying to do so, yet two years later Hunter’s firm joined with China Molybdenum and announced that together they were buying more than one of the largest Copper mines in the World. And so while the Obama Administration was competing with China in the race for rare earth minerals. Hunter Biden and his firm were actually helping Beijing win the race but there was an even more troubling deal in December 2014. Hunters firm became an anchor investor in a company called China General nuclear or CGN. CGN had been wholly owned by the Chinese Government. But it was now selling off a minority stake to a favorite investor, Hunter Biden. Hunter presumably didn’t realize that when his company was investing in CGN they were investing in a company that was under FBI Investigation for stealing U.S. Nuclear Secrets. In fact less than 18 months after Hunters Chinese firm invested in China General, a nuclear engineer named Alan Ho and the company were charged by the U.S. Justice Department with stealing nuclear secrets from the United States. According to the FBI Alan Ho had been working under the direction of China General to steal American nuclear Secrets since 1998. Its not clear whether the FBI or the Obama Justice Department knew that Joe Biden’s family was actually involved with CGN. But what is clear is that China has been trying to steal American Nuclear Secrets for a long time. It is really that crazy to think that by partnering with the son of the Vice President they were trying to buy them too and make no mistake these firms Hunter was dealing with are directly tied to the Chinese Military.
In June 2020 the U.S. Department of Defense released a list of companies doing business in the United States that were known to be connected to the Chinese Military, on that list AVIC and CGN but the Biden’s weren’t done cutting deals in China.
Joe doing diplomacy with Chinese Government and Hunter kept finding himself in the middle of more business acquisitions also with the Chinese Government. A confident China was on the march asserting its power and flexing its muscles. China had promised the world that it wasn’t going to militarize the area but they went ahead and do so. Anyway the Chinese aggression was aimed at America too. China’s military has attached major U.S. Companies in a computer war that kills American jobs, more than 21 million American had personal information stolen from government files in a data breach that was six times as large as originally disclosed. The information was hacked from the office of personnel management or OPM which said today is highly likely, that anyone who went through background checks to apply for a government position since 2000 was affected. Think about that, the Chinese Government had hacked an American Government Website and taken information from millions of American Government workers, highly sensitive private information, it was a crime taken very seriously by our Federal Government and what was Hunter Biden doing, he was looking for more commercial deals with Chinese.
Another one of Hunter Biden’s businesses was called Rosemont Realty, co-founded with Devin Archer who is the Chairman of the Firm, just like his investment firm Hunter Biden had no background in commercial real estate but that didn’t stop him from getting a seat at some of the biggest tables around the world. Who was Rosemont Realty, negotiating with that would be a company called Gemini a former subsidiary of a Chinese State Owned company with close ties to the Chinese Military.
Rosemont Realty certainly played up the Biden Connection in the material they provided to possible investors in a company prospectus from Rosemont marked Confidential. They noted that it was a key consideration that Hunter Biden son of Vice President Biden is on the Advisory Board. In August 2015 an eye popping multi-billion dollar deal was announced the Chinese Company Gemini was buying a 75 stake in Hunters Biden’s Company Rosemont. So who exactly is the second Chinese Business Partner of the Biden Family Gemini’s Parent company, Sino Ocean Land is actually run out of the headquarters of the China overseas shipping company COSTCO which is called the fifth arm of the Chinese Navy. So you have two big deals between the Biden Family and the Chinese Government or Chinese Government Linked firms in the years following Joe Biden’s appointment as the point person on U.S. Policy towards China.
But there was still more business to be done. Hunter and his business partner Devin Archer began working with yet another firm this one is called Burnham Asset Management. Out of an office in New York City, they work to line up more deals with Chinese Companies many of them mysterious and with murky ties to the Chinese Government. One of the companies was called Kirin Global Enterprise Limited a mysterious Investment vehicle run by Larry Lee and Guo Jinfang very little is known about Kirin Global, other than the fact that the invest heavily into mainland Chinese infrastructure.
Another Chinese firm the Biden’s wanted to partner with is called Harvest Global Investments, which is linked to Chinese Government. How much money did the Biden Family make from these deals, how deep do their ties to the Chinese Government run. We cant know for sure but consider this, in 2017 a Chinese executive was arrested by the FBI in New York on charges of money laundering and violating the foreign corrupt practices act Patrick Hoe was an assistant to the Chinese Military. When Hoe was arrested one of the first calls he made was to James Biden. Joes brother. When asked by the New York Times about the call James Biden says he was actually calling to get Hunter Biden’s Phone number.
Patrick Hoe was charged and convicted and went to jail for those charges, why exactly was he calling Hunter Biden? What sort of help was he expecting, we don’t know the answers to those questions. But what we do know is that the Biden’s have cultivated very close relationships with member of the Chinese Elite and some of those relationship would be very hard to defend.
So what we know. We know that the Biden Family has a series of lucrative deals with Chinese Government. We know that these deals came despite a lack of experience by the Biden’s in the areas they covered. We know that they happened while Joe Biden was steering U.S. Foreign Policy towards China. We also know that these deals didn’t just make the Biden’s money they had potentially dangerous consequences for our national security.
We know that China has been consistent in their efforts to acquire U.S. Technology and that their spies have been caught trying to steal our military technology. We know that Hunter Biden’s firm bought a company that provides dual use technologies for the Chinese Military.
We know that Global powers have tried to stop China from monopolizing the Worlds Mineral resources and we know that Hunter Biden’s firm bought a company that actually helped China in its competition with the United States for mineral resources and we also know this that Biden Investment firm that helped China gain access to dual use technology that invested in Chinese surveillance technology and helped China in it quest to control the worlds strategic metals.
Hunter Biden was forced by political pressure to resign from that firm’s Board of Director in late 2019. But Hunter quietly maintains an ownership stake in the firm a stake worth millions of dollars and stands to be worth even more as its China Partnership prospers.
So why does this matter? We need to know who our leaders are doing business with. Who is making them wealthy, who might they be beholden to, its the oldest story in politics. We need to follow the money. A rising China is a wash in money. The money trail stretches’ all across the Globe and some of those trails lead straight to one of America most prominent political families headed by a man who calls himself lunch bucket joe.
China is going to each our lunch, come on man….