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Trump Rips Biden’s Climate Agenda

Trump Rips Biden

March 2, 2022 – Donald J Trump meets with Maria  Bartiromo.  In an all-encompassing interview with Mornings with Maria, President Trump reacts to President Biden’s State of the Union address, discusses oil prices and Russian Ukraine conflict and the potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Maria:  Good Wednesday Morning.  Thanks for joining us.  I’m Maria Bartiromo.  President Biden addressing the Nation last night in the first state of the union address, blaming American companies for skyrocketing inflation, not his own failed policies.  The disrupting the Global Supply Chain, factories closed when that happens it takes longer to get goods get to warehouses and to the stores, then prices go up.

National automobile sales weren’t insufficient, semiconductors to make all cars were not available.  Prices of automobiles went way up. Especially used vehicles.  As well as small businesses, family farmers ranchers.  I need not tell Republican in most states, guess what you got four basic meatpacking facilities that are is play with them or don’t play with at all. You will pay a hell of a lot more, a hell of a lot more because there’s only four. 

Maria: Joining me right now, 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Mr. President, thank you very much for being with me this morning.

Let me start with getting overall reaction to the State of the Union Last Night.  What struck you most?  

Donald: Well I thought it was terrible because he didn’t talk inflation, he didn’t have any idea for inflation, and most importantly didn’t talk about energy with oil, and what is happened we were energy-independent one year ago.  We were exporting energy for the first time ever in the history, and of our country was going to double size this year. We would have been double the size of Saudi Arabia and Russia combined.  We would have been number one.  The event in Ukraine would have never happened, if I were President would have never happened.  There was no way it was happening.  If it did happen, let’s say it did happen.  We would be exporting oil to everybody, that would have kept it from happening in itself, because Russia wouldn’t make a fortune on oil, so crazy what happened I look at numbers highest in years, many years.

Maria:  So let’s talk solutions, because we know that the Saudis refused a request by this administration, to increase projection, oil is the story Brent and Crude Topping 109 dollars a Barrel right now.  (March 2, 2022)  Mr. President should Joe Biden immediately reopen the moratorium on oil, and sector, and drilling in the U.S.  What is the Solution, to getting oil prices lower?

Donald:  Well, of course, he should and I see the Saudi Arabia and also , OPEC, as a whole, they’ve rejected every request they made us look like a bunch of fools we had energy so low in fact I was fighting to keep it up, do you remember it went down to numbers that no body has ever seen before we had it back up we got to 40 dollars and that was good everybody could make money at the same time.  we were a 1.87 at the pump for gasoline never had it so good doubling the size of companies. Everything was incredible then these guys opened the borders.  Three weeks they could have finished the wall.  The Wall was almost completed, they could have finished the wall, we had the strongest border we ever had.  Included not only for people getting through illegally also included drugs and trafficking, human trafficking a tremendous problem.  We had the best border we have every had in history of our country.  Now we have the worst and we have the worst situation in OIL we’ve ever had.  This is what is causing inflation, you know if you want to knock inflation a big chunk, you lower the hell out of oil prices, and we could do that but going to take a lot. 

The problem is with this Gentleman, he really destroyed it, going to take a while to fix it, we had, we would have been selling to everybody in Europe, we were hitting it, Home Run after Home Run, stupidly it ended. They talked a climate, we had the best numbers on climate, best air numbers, best water numbers, cleanest water, cleanest air in decades.

Maria: Mr. President, the administration, is actually increasing its imports from Russia Guests and Oil will be $150 dollars a barrel 200 if sanctions are placed on Russia. 

Trump:  He should open up the United States Oil.  And should not buy oil from Russia.  Open it up and it will take a while, that is the problem, we had it there already..  This would have been — our country would have made an absolute fortune more money than ever made on this situation.  

Not the situation itself would have never happened, we wouldn’t have that had a problem we had low energy costs, it was very abundant, and now they closed all the leases ended exploration. Knocked out Anwar, it could have been bigger than Saudi Arabia.  For 50 years people had been trying to get approved, nobody could, even Ronald Regan couldn’t get it approved.  I got it approved.   Then the Biden Admin, they stopped in one day.

Maria: Where do you think Oil prices are going to do to the broader impact on the economy?

Trump: Going to be unlimited right now.  We can’t project, it could go, anything unlimited.  I couldn’t believe last night when he said, Saudi Arabia.  They are making a Fortune, why would they do anything they have him over a Barrel, the only thing he can do is just say sorry about it, with climate hoax.  Sorry about it.  Look this Climate situation is killing our country, and I know how politically not correct, because people don’t understand it, and they don’t.

Maria:  Mr. President but I understood.

Trump: The best air, best water, best everything else, not destroying businesses, this is killing our country, we have China who doesn’t participate, we have India who doesn’t participate, Iran who does participate in cleaning the climate.  They laugh at us how stupid we are.  We cleaned climate air flows.  Garbage flows to us through the Pacific Ocean see what happens in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of tons of China Garbage is floating toward our shores.  We have nice, clean water, you are not allowed to put your toe in the water, yet we have 25,000 tons of garbage from China and other countries, and Asia.  On the West Coast the climate is out of control, unless everybody is going to do it, it doesn’t make sense. Everybody has to do it, that incudes China, Russia and India and many other countries.

Maria: Joe Biden was hoping China keeps its promises when it comes to climate The other day, John Kerry said he hopes that the war in Ukraine doesn’t take the focus off Climate Change for China.  Do you think China will keeps its promise regarding climate change.  

Trump: Absolutely Not.  Because they don’t do that. 

Trump Rips Biden's Climate Agenda